I work with our staff here, in Houston and L.A. to ensure that we populate foxsportsnorth.com with all the best video, text, photos, etc. It’s a bit more complicated than that, naturally, but basically I’m helping further promote the station’s brand, strengthen our relationships with our team partners, and give local sports fans a one-stop shop for everything they want to know about the Minnesota and Wisconsin sports scenes.
Where did you attend school?
University of Minnesota – B.A. in English, minor in standing in long lines
What are some of your interests/hobbies?
Watching sports on TV and then writing about it on the internet. Also, reading, cooking, travel, live music, and setting examples (good and bad) for my kids.
Who are the most influential people in your life?
My wife and daughters, who inform my every decision; also Homer Simpson, Sid Hartman, and the barista at Caribou who knows just how I like my coffee.
If I wasn’t doing this job, I would love to…
Be a best-selling author with a lake home on Superior’s north shore and a lot of tweed sport coats with those cool leather patches on the elbows.
Tell us something unique or interesting about yourself.
I was cut from my varsity basketball team as a sophomore, but eventually won an NCAA title and six NBA championships. No, wait, that was Michael Jordan. Umm … OK, I lived in Las Vegas for four years.
If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Time travel, so I could go back and prevent Carrot Top’s parents from ever meeting.
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